Australia has been selected to participate in the 2020 ‘all girls’ World Children’s Baseball Fair in Narita, Japan from August 14-21, 2020.
We have the opportunity to send five children (all female) and one female chaperone to participate at the international event.
The WCBF is an incredible experience with basic skills for clinic days, meeting players, other chaperones and host staff from across the world and making new friendships that will last and the overall experience of the Japanese culture.
The organisation and attention to detail is something the WCBF have mastered. Every day will be filled with baseball, cultural adventures and socialising with other participating countries.
This program is for girls in Little League and must be aged 10 or 11 years old as of August 14, 2020. That is, their birth date must be between August 15, 2008 and August 14, 2010.
Interested athletes or chaperones are required to complete an application form and short essay on why they want to be considered for selection.
Applications can be lodged via state organisations or direct to Sharon Butty (sharon.butty@baseball.com.au).
Click here for an application form.